Government Shelters for Vulnerable Individuals in Mexico City

The Mexico City government has established shelters for individuals in mobility contexts to ensure their safety and provide essential services amidst violence in their previous camp.

Government Shelters for Vulnerable Individuals in Mexico City

People in the context of human mobility who accepted government support were relocated to one of the two shelters established for this purpose due to various acts of violence recorded in the camp located on Av. 100 meters. The Government of Mexico City, through the Secretariat of Government (SECGOB) and different capital agencies, safeguarded the integrity of these people who had been staying on Av. 100 Metros since 2023, in the Gustavo A. Madero mayoralty.

The main objective of these actions was to guarantee the safety of those residing in the camp and to offer them a dignified space that would meet their needs, provide attention, and give them a safe place while they decided their next step, whether to continue their transit, opt for assisted voluntary return, or integrate into the city.

Personnel from the General Coordination of Human Mobility Attention (CGAMH) invited people to move to the shelters established by the Government of Mexico City, which offer various services such as medical care, psychological support, food, a children's playroom, showers, private rooms for families, assistance with paperwork, and integration into employment and school.

The shelters are open-door and have flexible hours, allowing refugees to come and go freely. The Human Rights Commission of Mexico City (CDHCM) participated as an observer throughout the process to ensure respect for the human rights of people in the context of human mobility.

Clara Brugada Molina, Head of Government of Mexico City, leads the initiative to ensure that no person in the context of mobility is forced to spend the night in public spaces.